Before Your Abortion
Pre-Operative Instructions
- If you are choosing the abortion pill, please plan to be at our abortion center for approximately 3 hours.
- If you are having a surgery, plan to be at our center for 3-4 hours. It is not necessary to arrive earlier than your appointment time.
- You should dress comfortably and may want to bring socks and a sweater with you.
- You must have a ride home from your appointment.
- Due to limited waiting space, no guests are allowed inside the office.
- If you have small children please make arrangements for their care at home.
Unless you've requested otherwise, we will call to confirm your appointment the day before your procedure.

Before Your Appointment:
- Must bring a legal photo ID.
- Legal ID includes a driver’s license, passport, school ID or a state-issued ID card.
- Please do not have anything to eat or drink for 4 hours prior to your appointment. You can drink water until 2 hours before your appointment.
- Please refrain from using alcohol, recreational drugs, or non-prescription medications for 48 hours prior to your appointment.
- If you take prescription medications, please let us know prior to your appointment so we can advise you on how to take them on the day of your appointment.
Acceptable Forms of Payment
Cash, MasterCard, Visa, Discover and HSA Cards with MasterCard or Visa logos (the cardholder must be present to sign unless prior arrangements have been made). No electronic payments (Applepay etc.) checks or money orders will be accepted. Payment in full is due prior to the procedure.
What to Expect Before Your Abortion
There will be prescriptions that will need to be filled after the procedure. You may purchase them at our Center, or, if you prefer, you may take the written prescriptions to the pharmacy to have them filled.
- If your blood type is RH negative, you may be required to have a Rhogam injection following the procedure. This is to prevent potentially serious problems from occurring with any future pregnancies. There is a nominal fee for the administration of this injection.
- If you would like to begin a method of birth control immediately following your procedure, we would be happy to help you. There are several options available for you to start on the day of your procedure. We can insert an IUD during the procedure (speak to one of our phone counselors about the fee and the patient assistance program). If you would prefer the birth control injection, we offer Depo-Provera for a nominal fee (effective for three months). You also may request a prescription for birth control pills or the Nuva Ring.
Our Standard of Excellence
Our promise is to exceed your expectations by providing the best care tailored to your unique needs. We take pride in providing the support and understanding that you need during this very personal and private time. Presidential Women’s Center is accredited by the National Abortion Federation (NAF) a national organization of independent abortion providers. All of us at Presidential Women’s Center would like to thank you for placing your trust in us for your reproductive healthcare.